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System for respiratory reanimation Gornospasatel 11R and 11C

System for respiratory reanimation "Gornospasatel 11R and 11C".

System for respiratory reanimation "Gornospasatel 11" is intended for restoration of the external breathing and gas exchange in atmosphere both fit and unfit for breathing.

GS-11C is used by mine-rescuers of military mine-rescuing service of Coal Industry Ministry.

GS-11R is used by medical personnel of military mine-rescuing service, ambulance and first aid.

Multifunctional and mobile system allows to use it in different extreme environment.

Technical characteristics:

  • Amount of oxygen in the container with
    pressure 19.6 Mpa, or - 200 dm3
  • One minute ventilation liter/minute:
    GS-11c - fixed value - 14
    GS-11r - top value - 20
           - bottom value - 8
  • Breathing frequency, minutes:
    GS-11c - fixed value - 14
    GS-11r - top value - 12
           - bottom value - 20
  • Maximum vacuum-gauge pressure with aspiration, Kpa, no more then - 40
  • One- minute ventilation, liter/minute - 12
  • Dimension size, mm 372x255x139
  • Mass, kg - 7

The system was certificated, you can look through the documents here:

side1       side2

Scientific Research Institute for
Mine-rescuing 83048,
Artema str. 157
Telephone: 55-12-31
Fax: 55-05-00
Teletype: 115117 "Æèçíü"
Joint-stock company of open type mine-rescuing equipment factory "Gorizont" 91005, Ukraine,
Frunze str. 119
Telephone: 49-18-69
Fax: 49-26-64
Teletype: 118284 "Ãàçîí"
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