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Diver respiratory system Ukraine-2

Diver respiratory system "Ukraine-2".

Diver respiratory system "Ukraine-2" is intended for diving and fulfilling different technical and rescue tasks under water.

All containers are all-metal or twined composites.

Technical characteristics:

  • Time of being under water
    (near the surface), min - 85
  • The depth of diving, meters - 40
  • Amount of containers in system - 2
  • Container capacity, liters - 7
  • Container operation pressure - 14.5 Mpa or
  • Reduced pressure Mpa - 0,6
  • Dimension size, mm - 710 X 318 X 160
  • Mass of equipped system, kg - 20

The system was certificated, you can look through the documents here:

side1       side2

Scientific Research Institute for
Mine-rescuing 83048,
Artema str. 157
Telephone: 55-12-31
Fax: 55-05-00
Teletype: 115117 "Æèçíü"
Joint-stock company of open type mine-rescuing equipment factory "Gorizont" 91005, Ukraine,
Frunze str. 119
Telephone: 49-18-69
Fax: 49-26-64
Teletype: 118284 "Ãàçîí"
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